The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0130 GMT.

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 119.11 119.18 0.06
Sing dlr 1.3687 1.3708 0.15
Taiwan dlr 31.265 31.405 0.45
Korean won 1104.1 1108 0.35
Baht 32.56 32.52 -0.12
Peso 44.81 44.83 0.06
Rupiah 13050 13018 -0.25
Rupee 62.67 62.67 0
Ringgit 3.666 3.662 -0.11
Yuan 6.215 6.2124 -0.04

Change so far in 2015

Currency Latest bid end prev year Pct Move
Japan yen 119.11 119.66 0.46
Sing dlr 1.3687 1.326 -3.12
Taiwan dlr 31.265 31.718 1.45
Korean won 1104.1 1099.3 -0.43
Baht 32.56 32.9 1.04
Peso 44.81 44.72 -0.19
Rupiah 13050 12380 -5.13
Rupee 62.67 63.03 0.57
Ringgit 3.666 3.4965 -4.62
Yuan 6.215 6.204 -0.18

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –