FXStreet (Guatemala) – Analysts at BNP Paribas offered a flash report across Europe and the US economies.

Key Quotes:

Greek banks under pressure

Customer deposits at Greek banks have eroded swiftly and banks are forced to make more use of ECB liquidity.”

France: Reversal of the unemployment curve: such a long wait

A reversal of the jobless curve will need more than one quarter of strong growth.”

EZ: A good start that continues, …despite Greece

PMI indices for June are positive, albeit… Equity markets rebounded.”

EZ: A rather pleasant spring

In June, PMI surveys confirm the spring improvement.”

US: Noflation is still an issue

In the US, the recovery strengthens but does not generate pressure on prices.”

Analysts at BNP Paribas offered a flash report across Europe and the US economies.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

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