Despite a Wisconsin judge denying her request for a hand recount last night due to the fact that she “failed to show any mistakes or irregularities that would bring a machine recount into question,” Jill Stein continues her recount crusade today with an official petition in Michigan.  As usual, Stein released a statement along with the petition saying that “Americans deserve a voting system we can trust.” Michigan state officials have confirmed that the recount will start on Friday and must be completed by December 13th. 

Per The Hill

“The people of Michigan and all Americans deserve a voting system we can trust,” Stein said in a statement on Wednesday.


“After a presidential election tarnished by the use of outdated and unreliable machines and accusations of irregularities, people of all political persuasions are asking if our election results are reliable.”


Stein said in the statement the recounts are necessary to build trust in the country’s election system.


“We need to verify the vote in this and every election,” she said, “so that Americans can be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system.”

Meanwhile, literally no one has any clue at this point what Jill Stein is doing and/or why she’s doing it.  As we’ve written over the past several days, everyone from Obama to Clinton to Stein’s own party has spoken out publicly against her recount crusade…yet she presses on.


Though it will have absolutely no impact on Stein’s resolve, Ronna Romney McDaniel, chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, joined the chorus of people who have criticized the recount efforts as a waste of taxpayer money.

“The filing by Jill Stein is a reckless attempt to undermine the will of Michigan voters,” she said. “Jill Stein made her 1% temper tantrum official and will waste millions of Michigan taxpayers’ dollars, and has acknowledged that the recount will not change anything regarding the Presidential election.”

Meanwhile, the only tweet that Jill Stein has sent out over the past week that has helped in anyway to shed some light on her seemingly odd behavior is the following which includes a picture of her with her cat…while we can’t be certain, we assume there has to be about 250 other cats roaming around that house…

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