Real Food: Planting, Growing, Harvesting, Preparing, Serving Is Culture

Real Food is our primary source of vitamins and nutrients, processed food is the source if illness.

I believe that if people would pay careful attention to their food choices and lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies would be largely avoided and there would be less illness in our communities.

There are, however, exceptions to every rule, and in some cases, taking specific nutrients may be therapeutically necessary, which are likely less toxic and less expensive than Rx drug treatments.

So, when taking large doses of supplements, there needs to be a real justification for it. It is not something you should embark on at your own. As more harm than good could happen by taking mega-doses of specific nutrients upsetting the balance with other nutrients.

It is known that even if you eat Organic whole food, you may still get insufficient amounts of certain nutrients, for the fact that most of our soils are frequently depleted of micronutrients.

Because, as a result of industrial agricultural practices, foods simply are not as nutrient-dense as they once were.

For example: in order to receive the same amount of iron you used to get from one apple in Y 1950, by Y 1998 you had to eat 26 apples.

So, if you have not shifted away from processed foods, Vitamin C may be worth considering, as processed foods will not provide you much of this Vitamin. I take a Vitamin C supplement daily.

If you are not eating traditionally fermented foods, then consider increasing your consumption of fresh Organic fruits and vegetables, as the fiber provides important nourishment for beneficial bacteria in your gut that help calibrate our immune system.

Most natural health professionals believe that our body was designed to stay healthy, given the chance. As the human body will always work in the direction of health, not in the direction of illness.

When the body diseased, and/or struggling to recover from an illness, it means it is not receiving everything it needs to get the job done right.

Our diet is absolutely essential in this regard, and to lay the foundation for good health, we have to be cognizant of what it takes, as our Real Food culture has for the majority of people in America decayed into processed Junk Food.

Growing your own is just the logical conclusion that many people reach, after they consider available food sources, and realize that for them, good clean food may be impossible to obtain unless they produce some of their own.

To learn how go here:

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively.


Paul Ebeling



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