Some Practical Advice For Organic Gardening

Here are some really good Organic gardening tips that provide practical advice that can be used in many settings.

1. Help plants resist disease by spraying them with aspirin water: 1.5 adult aspirin crushed and added to a 2 gal container of water. Spray the plans with this mixture every 3 weeks.

2. Do not pull the weeds. This takes you a lot of time and they often grow back. So, in an area with a lot of weeds, take a shovel and dig under it. Then turn the soil over so that the weeds feed the seeds like manure would.

3. Location is very important to Organic gardening. The garden should be in an area that will get at least 10 hours of sunlight during the Summer. Prior to starting the garden, make sure that the location does not have any large obstructions that will cast shadows and block the Sun. Plants need an adequate amount of Sunlight to live.

4. Using containers: you may need to swap seedlings to larger containers as they outgrow them. When doing this make sure to handle the seedlings by the leaves and roots. Avoid touching the stems, as they are extremely fragile and can be easily damaged. After swapping containers, it is recommended to water the roots as this will help them merge with the new environment.

5. When starting an Organic garden sprinkle milled sphagnum moss on the seeds in order to prevent damping-off. Damping-off is a fungal disease that will cause the seeds and seedlings to rot.

6. Mist the mix of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers using a spray bottle. This is needed so that your mix will get the proper amount of moisture from above and below the surface.

7. Organic herbicides sold at gardening centers are tempting, but they are not nearly as effective as pulling the weeds that will grow in the garden out by hand.

So, whether a new or experienced gardener, you now have some practical tips that you can implement in the new Organic garden.

There are few things in life are more satisfying than working the soil, and it is even more satisfying when you can do it Organically, Nature’s way.

Be healthy, Eat healthy, Live lively.


Paul Ebeling

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