Craig Hemke: Silver & Gold – DB Turns State’s Evidence, The Flood Gates Are Now Open!

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)


Craig Hemke: Silver & Gold – DB Turns State’s Evidence, The Flood Gates Are Now Open! -  The Daily Coin


The tinfoil hatters have once again prevailed. What has been called theory turns to fact, once again. It seems the people, citizen journalist, market analyst and financial advisors, that actually do the necessary research and present an alternative view are being vindicated on an almost daily basis. All of the naysayers will now have to put down the kool-aid and take another look at what is being reported on the internet. While there are equal amounts of garbage to offset the truly great information, isn’t it the same with mainstream media? Is there any difference in what we see on TeeVee or hear on the radio – equal parts garbage balanced with great information?

With the revelation of Duetsche Bank (DB) admitting, in a court of law, their bank has been manipulating both silver and gold markets for several years. This is one of the biggest stories of our life time and the mainstream media is completely mute on this subject. It goes right to the heart of the opening paragraph. Why would the mainstream media be completely silent on this topic?

Craig Hemke, TFMetals Report, has been following, analyzing and reporting on these rigged markets for close to a decade. His tireless efforts and painstaking determination has shown time and again the blatant criminality in the precious metals markets. While he has learned their movements, and put this information to work for himself, and the Turdites, to turn a handsome profit, it does not take away from the criminality.

Oh, and as you will hear, this was recorded on Friday April 15, 2016 Craig said the “flood gate of lawsuits was now open” for class-action lawsuits and on Saturday April 16, 2016 it was confirmed with not one, but two different lawsuits. You think these law firms have been waiting for this to happen or were they able to get everything together in less than 24 hours?

Billion Dollar Lawsuits Filed Following Deutsche Bank’s Admission Of Gold, Silver Rigging

Overnight, two class action lawsuits seeking $1 billion in damages on behalf of Canadian gold and silver investors were launched in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.


I spoke with Craig about the situation with DB and the implications for the markets and our world. 





Please email with any questions about this article or precious metals HERE



Craig Hemke: Silver & Gold – DB Turns State’s Evidence, The Flood Gates Are Now Open!

Posted with permission and written by Rory Hall, The Daily Coin (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)



Rory Hall, Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Coin, has written over 700 articles and produced more than 200 videos about the precious metals market, economic and monetary policies as well as geopolitical events since 1987. His articles have been published by Zerohedge, SHTFPlan, Sprott Money, GoldSilver and Silver Doctors, SGTReport, just to name a few. Rory has contributed daily to SGTReport since 2012. He has interviewed experts such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Marc Faber, Eric Sprott, Gerald Celente and Peter Schiff, to name but a few. Visit The Daily Coin website and The Daily Coin YouTube channels to enjoy original and some of the best economic, precious metals, geopolitical and preparedness news from around the world.



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