Authored by Joseph Jankowski via,

Hundreds of now deceased people have been found to be still eligible to vote in LA county with one dead man voting in multiple elections years after he died.

An investigation conducted by David Goldstein of CBS Los Angeles discovered 561 people who are now dead are registered as active voters in LA County.

A 2016 Goldstein investigation found the names of 906 dead people still registered to vote in L.A. County.

After inputting those names into the county registrar’s voter verification website to see how many are still eligible to vote in Tuesday’s election, CBSLA discovered 561 people who are dead but still registered to vote.

And it wasn’t people who just recently passed away – they died at least five years ago.

Of the dead registered voters, 336 were listed as Democrats, 173 were Republicans and 52 had another party or no party affiliation, reports the local CBS affiliate.

Records show that at least 17 of these deceased voters casted support for a candidate in 2016.

One deceased name that showed up in the records, Ralph Howey, was found to have voted in 2010, 2012 and 2014, despite having passed away in 2009 at the age of 104.

“I’m a little shocked,” said one Los Angeles man who witnessed an official mail-in voting pamphlet addressed to his mother. “My mother passed away approximately eight years ago.”

CBS Investigator David Goldstein says the dead voter issue in LA, which he exposed in 2016, is “still happening.”

While the county registrar claims to have purged more than 100,000 dead registered voters since Goldstein’s report two years ago, it is clear there still is a risk of dead voters skewing election results in LA County.

The question now is, how how big is the risk of dead votes effecting elections nation wide?

With a report out of Ohio showing that residents are finding the names of deceased neighbors in voter registries, you can only expect that this is happening everywhere.

Republicans and Independents sure better hope Ted Cruz isn’t right…

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