The Debate Results – Who Won? Who Lost? Who Was The Mystery Third Debater?



Well! That was a fight for the history books. The first round of battles between the two presidential candidates has come and gone and now it’s time for the pundits, including myself, to throw in their two cents and analyze what in the world just happened.



First off, it was evident that right from the beginning, Donald Trump was much more confident, much more in control, and much more of a demanding presence than Hillary Clinton, who, at times, looked very uncomfortable and on the verge of seething rage as Mr Trump steamrolled her in the first half of the debate.



This demeanour changed in the second half, which will be declared a victory by Hillary Clinton. She hit her stride and appeared much more in control – this was visible and obvious. But what enabled her to regain her confidence? Was it her, or was it the fact that Lester Holt, the supposedly “unbiased” moderator, came to her rescue?



As I’ve written about numerous times in the past on this blog, the mainstream media is completely and utterly for Hillary Clinton. There was intense pressure on Lester Holt to “fact-check” Donald Trump every opportunity that he got, while giving Hillary Clinton a pass on her numerous lies that she uttered.



This is exactly what happened. This “moderator”, or as many are calling him, “the third debater“, was anything but unbiased. It was clear that he came in with an agenda, whether his own or set forth for him, to attack Donald Trump and rescue Hillary Clinton in her time of need.



Holt continuously threw “hardball” questions towards Donald Trump, such as ones about his tax returns, the birther issue, and his support of the Iraq War.



Meanwhile, he asked Hillary Clinton NO, I repeat, NO real questions that the American public wants and deserves to hear, such as her part in the Benghazi debacle, that resulted in the death of innocent lives under her watch.



He asked no questions, and this one is mind boggling, about her 30,000-plus missing emails that she had deleted while Secretary of Defense.



He asked her no questions about the lies her campaign has been telling about her failing health and he asked her nothing about the corruption that has surrounded the Clinton Foundation.



It would be one thing if these topics weren’t major news and were just speculation. The fact is, they are NOT and they HAVE been major news topics, even on the highly corrupt MSM.



Despite the fact that this was a 2-on-1 debate, Donald Trump still held his ground, did not falter, and appeared very presidential, choosing not to attack Hillary on her husband’s countless rape charges and settlements of sexual harassment, proving he can be tempered and “the bigger person” in the room.



For this reason, I award the victory to Donald Trump, and I’m not alone in this belief. Countless polls have been posted on all major news websites, including ABC, the Times, CNBC, the Drudge Report, and many others. Almost unanimously ALL of these polls, which have votes totaling in the millions, see Donald Trump as the victor. The only poll that doesn’t have Donald winning is CNN, aka the “Clinton News Network”. No surprise there.



With that, we are left waiting until the next debates, which are just around the corner, and in which I believe we will see the media forced into being more impartial and fair, unless they truly wish to destroy the little bit of credibility they have remaining.



This event was a farce. It was a sham, but despite all odds, liberty and freedom will win the day, as it has done so for countless centuries and throughout the ages.



All that is required is for us, the people, to remain vigilant and strong in our convictions. The truth will set you free.




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The Debate Results – Who Won? Who Lost? Who Was The Mystery Third Debater?

Written by Nathan McDonald

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