As the simmering outrage among liberals over President Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policy continues unabated – despite Trump’s decision to sign an executive order to stop the separations of minors from their parents – several Republican lawyers are urging members of the Trump Administration to arm themselves to defend against any unhinged individuals who might be looking to do them harm – particularly in the wake of calls by a certain Democratic politician for protesters to “attack” White House employees.


When it comes to protecting members of the administration, “there simply aren’t enough police” to provide adequate protection, according to the Washington Examiner.

“There are simply not enough police in D.C. or Virginia or Maryland to protect all Trump officials at their homes and when they go out to restaurants. Getting a concealed handgun permit would be helpful to protect themselves and their family,” said John R. Lott Jr., president of the influential Crime Prevention Research Center.

White House employees should consider applying for a concealed weapons permit, one Republican lawyer pointed out.

“High level officials in the Trump administration, especially if their faces are likely to be recognized by many in the public as a result of appearances on TV, might want to consider applying for a license to carry a concealed weapon in the District of Columbia, and/or other states they frequent, in view of the call by Rep. Maxine Waters for the public to ‘absolutely harass’ these officials in public places, and other recent events indicating the increased danger they are in,” added public interest law professor John Banzhaf.

Emily Miller, who wrote a book about the difficulties of obtaining a gun permit, tweeted that “Trump admin officials can get DC gun carry permits to defend themselves from the crazies who obey Maxine Walters.”

Given that recent legal decisions have made it easier for Washingtonians to get weapons permits, law professor John Banzhaf recommended that Trump administration officials act now to obtain their permits.

“Since the application process, including a detailed background check, can reportedly take some time, they may wish to begin the process now,” he said.

“That way, if and when they decide that they should carry a small firearm to protect themselves and/or their families, they will be able to do so. Obviously it will always be their own choice, since having a permit certainly does not require them to carry a gun at all times, or even at any time,” added the George Washington University law professor.

Three Trump administration officials have been accosted by protesters at restaurants in recent days, including Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who was confronted by protesters who interrupted her dinner at a Tex-Mex restaurant.

Meanwhile, President Trump slammed the Virginia restaurant “The Red Hen Restaurant” for turning away Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Trump aid Stephen Miller was also recently called a “fascist” by a fellow patron at a Mexican restaurant.

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