200 State And Local Jurisdictions Are Considered Sanctuary Cities
200 state and local jurisdictions have policies, laws, executive orders, or regulations allowing them to avoid cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement authorities.
These jurisdictions ignore federal law authorizing US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to administratively deport illegal aliens without seeking criminal warrants or convictions from federal, state, or local courts.
San Francisco passed a law in Y 1989 called the City and County of Refuge ordinance. That legislation has for many years prohibited city employees from assisting federal immigration enforcement unless compelled by court order or state law.
Many sanctuary laws were passed in the 1980’s, when many churches and other organizations sought to provide sanctuary to Mexican and Central American immigrants fleeing violence at home. In some cases, local jurisdictions took such measures when the federal government refused to grant some groups formal refugee status.
Those in favor of sanctuary laws argue that they encourage law-abiding immigrants to work with the police without fear of deportation, while opponents say they provide safe havens for criminals.
Many critics of sanctuary cities say that the federal government should do more to enforce immigration law, however the Obama administration has told federal bureaus to stand down.
“Although federal law requires the cooperation, the Department of Justice has never sued or taken any measure, including denying federal funds, against a jurisdiction…Federal law was labelled voluntary by the Obama administration in a November 2014 policy memorandum signed by the Homeland Security Secretary,” reports the Center for Immigration Studies.
Stay tuned…
Paul Ebeling
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