Voice Your Unpopular Opinion
Via Vince Lanci and MarketSlant | Remember as a kid when you'd watch the news at night and see some right wing loon who stood all day in front of a planned parenthood clinic holding a sign? Remember saying to yourself, I'm no fan of abortion ( or it's opposite) , but how the heck does this guy spend all day for 5 days straight in front of a clinic protesting? I do. I also remember my grandfather looking at the TV and saying, "Get a job you bum"… and I understood.
Just Saying – Potential Inaugural Crisis or Possible Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Rate reduction? In one place today: 200k aging Republican bikers, a large percentage likely unemployed. More than 200k “Liberal” boomer democrats, also likely unemployed- liberal in quotes because they are anything but. Another 50-200k millennial anti-Trump protestors- unemployed?
Winning the Culture Debate has Made Liberals Idiots
Liberals seek to "educate" non-believers by shouting them down. Good luck with that.The more radical Right now has cover to be the worst they can possibly be. Get ready for more veiled racial slurs like Venus Williams is a gorilla followed by more "Liberal" censorship.
The Right has Succeeded in Lowering the Bar- Reap it
And lest we forget, just because the Left has sunk to new lows does not make the Right all of a sudden smarter in their political discourse. Like everything else in ths country the bar has been lowered. The idiots on the right get to hide their racism and ignorance with a wink and a nod from their leaders now. Oh, for the days of William F. Buckley, crypto-Nazi or not.
Politics: Circular, not Linear
Not all on the left are whining, offended crybabies. Not everyone on the right is a racist, misogynist. Just the ones we see on the news. Many at the extremes of the political spectrum have more in common than they know. Education, productivity, free time. Politics is actually circular if you look at it. In the 1990 NAFTA united the molotov cocktail throwing Left with the Buchanan Right. You will never see a revolution from the middle class. They are too busy paying for your right to protest.
500k people with time to protest for 48 hours? Medicare, Social Security and the economy all in trouble? Just sayin'
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