A Large Percentage Of Americans Consider Decamping The USA

This Saturday Americans celebrate Independence Day, and judging by a poll from TransferWise, a UK peer-to-peer money transfer service, many of them would be happy to declare independence from their own country.

35% of respondents would consider leaving the United States to live elsewhere and 14% said they would consider a move within the next 5 years.

A total of 65% of Americans said that given the right reasons, they would consider a move.

The Big Q: and what are the right reasons?

The Big A’s: 36% total cited a better quality of life, 33% cited a lower cost of living and 31% cited the appeal of new experiences.

And 84% of Americans responding said the United States should make itself more appealing. A 58% majority mentioned more affordable healthcare, 51% pointed to lower taxes and 48% mentioned education improvements.

Stay tuned…


Paul Ebeling

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