It turns out Al Gore will have the last laugh on the eminent danger of ManBearPig.  In a recent trip to Vienna, Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed Mr. Gore’s worst fears that ManBearPig is just as big a risk to international peace and freedom as ISIS.  Speaking at a United Nations meeting on climate change Kerry declared, 

“Yesterday, I met in Washington with 45 nations — defense ministers and foreign ministers — as we were working together on the challenge of [the Islamic State], and terrorism…It’s hard for some people to grasp it, but what we — you — are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.

As Zerohedge recently reported, Bernie Sanders was early in his warnings about the threat of ManBearPig and even went so far as to warn of the creature’s effectiveness in recruiting new terrorist elements around the world.

This is super serial, you guys.

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