Apple’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) Smartwatch Sales Dive


The Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) smartwatch registered impressive sales of about 1.5-M, or more than 200,000 a day, in the week after its 10 April introduction, according the data.

But sales have divesed to less than 20,000 a day since then, and less than 10,000 on some days a report says.

And that is not the end of the problems for Apple Watch, about 67% of those sold have been the “Sport” version, which sells for $349 and up, not the costlier editions that start at $549.

Apple itself has not revealed any sales numbers for the watches and was not available for comment.

The Smartwatch is a tiny part of Apple’s business. But it is the 1st new product launched since the Y 2011 death of founder Steve Jobs.

Products like the Apple Watch may make it more costly for customers to switch from Apple. But Google’s Photos service may quickly cut switching costs from Apple’s iCloud service, demonstrating the risks for Apple.

Symbol Last Trade Date Change Open High Low Volume
NASDAQ:AAPL 123.4 8 July 2015 -2.29 124.48 124.64 123.01 37,417,531

Note: Canadian symbols now end in .c i.e SYMB.C

HefffX-LTN Analysis for AAPL: Overall Short Intermediate Long
Bearish (-0.42) Bearish (-0.48) Bearish (-0.40) Bearish (-0.39)

Stay tuned…


Paul Ebeling

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