Automated Binary.
I came across a unique automatic binary options trading system called Automated Binary.
Upon viewing their website, I discovered it is unlike the majority of trading robots all over the internet. The very first thing I noticed is the tremendous customer service Automated Binary offers. Immediately upon entering the site, I was greeted with the smiling face of Ashley, the customer service rep offering any assistance if I need it.
I also do not see a bunch of hype and promises of getting rich. The developers of Automated Binary just cut to the chase and explain the method their system uses to make binary options trades for the investor.
Automated Binary is a rather new system. They started operations in the middle of 2016.
From what I see, other binary option robots better take notice, because this robot is apt to become their primary competitor.
How Automated Binary Works.
The Automated Binary trading system provides more control as to how it trades in the investor’s hands.
The Automated Binary system is free; the trader just needs to deposit trading funds with their preferred broker.
Once the trader creates an account at Automated Binary and chooses a preferred broker from the extensive list, he/she then goes to the settings where they choose:
The trade amount What assets the robot can trade on How many simultaneous trades the robot can make The trade system – Automated Binary has 3 to choose from: Classic, Martingale or Fibonacci The indicators the robot will gain signals from – The trader can choose 1 or more of: MACD, Trend, Stoch, CCI, Williams and RSI.
Automated Binary is completely browser based so there is no download required.
Once you have completed all the above, you simply turn the system on auto trade and go about other responsibilities. As long as your internet is live and Automated Binary is open in a separate window, it will begin making trades based only on your settings.
Automated Binary Compatible Brokers.
Automated Binary is associated with highly reputable binary options brokers, many of them are licensed and regulated by CySEC.
Even if you have a current account with any of the brokers, to use the Automated Binary system, you will have to create a new account. Minimum deposits are $250, but we recommend depositing $500 or more to get maximum benefits.
The brokers associated with Automated Binary are:
24 Option – CySEC regulated Stockpair – CySEC regulated Stern Options HBC Broker Ubinary Opteck Tropical Trade Skyline Markets Empire Option BinaryTilt.
The broker you choose handles your funds, both deposits and withdrawals. Automated Binary’s job is to make you profits.
How To Sign Up With Automated Binary.
Creating an account at Automated Binary is as easy as:
Fill out your first and last name Give your email address Give your phone number Choose a secure password for your account Choose your preferred binary options broker.
Once you have completed those steps, you just deposit funds with the broker, set your preferred settings and turn the system to auto trade.
It is that simple!
Automated Binary Advantages.
The advantages are numerous with Automated Binary.
System is free. No download required. It is completely browser based. Works with mobile devices. If you lose internet signal, the system will not make any trades. The ability to change your settings at any time. Great customer service. Free $50,000 demo account so you can get adjusted to Automated Binary. The wide range of indicators Much more.
Automated Binary Disadvantages.
I must say that I am quite impressed with what I see at Automated Binary.
But, every system does have some disadvantages.
There are only 2 disadvantages I find with Automated Binary. The first is no really much of a disadvantage, but is just the fact that they are so new and there are really not many results to share with you.
The other disadvantage is that at this point in time, Automated Binary only offers assets in Forex pairs. Hopefully they will add more assets in the future.
In my opinion, Automated Binary is the perfect choice in an automatic binary options trading system. The fact that you have complete control over the settings makes it a better system than the majority roaming the internet.
I also like the fact that Automated Binary will halt trading if internet connection is lost. That safety measure guarantees that the system will not make bad trades without your awareness.
I wanted to see how I could fair with Automated Binary so I signed up and used the demo account. I decided to use the Fibonacci system and I used MACD and Trend indicators. Wasn’t I amazed when checking back 2 ½ hours later, that $50,000 was up to $56,780. $6,780 profit is very good in 2 ½ hours.
You should give it a go. I know you will be happy with Automated Binary.