Avoid These Foods For Healthy Eyes, Spend More Time Outside, Eat Healthy

Healthy vision is as much a result of what you do not eat as what you do eat.

To begin with, high insulin levels from excess carbohydrates can disturb the delicate choreography that normally coordinates eyeball lengthening and lens growth, if the eyeball grows too long, the lens can no longer flatten itself enough to focus a sharp image on the retina.

This theory is also consistent with observations that one more likely to develop myopia if you are overweight or have adult-onset diabetes, both of which involve elevated insulin levels. So, always avoid sugars, especially fructose, as much as possible.

Research by Dr. Richard Johnson, Chief of the Division of Kidney Disease and Hypertension at the University of Colorado, shows that consuming 74 grams or more per day of fructose (equal to 2.5 sugary drinks) increases your risk of having blood pressure levels of 160/100 mmHg by 77%.

High blood pressure can cause damage to the miniscule blood vessels on your retina, obstructing free blood flow. A diet high in trans fat also appears to contribute to macular degeneration by interfering with omega-3 fats in your body. Trans fat is found in many processed foods and baked goods, including margarine, shortening, fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, doughnuts, cookies, pastries, and crackers.

Following a nutrition plan that reduces, or eliminates, excess sugar and grain intake, as well as trans fats, from the diet helps to optimize insulin levels. As it stands, about 50% of Americans are eating vegetables less than 1.7X per day and fruit less than once per day. Changing this dietary habit around to eating plenty of vegetables with every meal may make a major difference in your future vision health.

Spending time outdoors offers exposure to multiple types of light, including ultraviolet B rays (UVB, which leads to the production of Vitamin D) and visible bright light. 2  additional “nutrients” to feed your vision health.

Research shows that people with nearsightedness have lower blood levels of Vitamin D, which supports the function of muscle tissue around the lens in the human eye. When exposed to outdoor light cells in the retina trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that slows down growth of the eye and perhaps stops the elongation of the eye during development.

Nature reported: “Retinal dopamine is normally produced on a diurnal cycle, ramping up during the day, and it tells the eye to switch from rod-based, nighttime vision to cone-based, daytime vision. Researchers now suspect that under dim (typically indoor) lighting, the cycle is disrupted, with consequences for eye growth. ‘If our system does not get a strong enough diurnal rhythm, things go out of control,’ says [researcher Regan] Ashby, who is now at the University of Canberra. ‘The system starts to get a bit noisy and noisy means that it just grows in its own irregular fashion.’”

A study by researcher Ian Morgan of the Australian National University suggests three hours per day with light levels of at least 10,000 lux may protect children from nearsightedness.

This is the amount of light one would be exposed to on a bright Summer day. An indoor classroom or office, on the other hand would only provide about 500 lux.

Like many facets of health, maintaining healthy eyes takes a comprehensive approach that involves eating right and paying attention to other healthy lifestyle factors like spending time outside in natural light.

Below is a list of some good foods for eye health, as follows;

1. Dark Leafy Greens

The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are primarily found in green leafy vegetables, with kale and spinach topping the list of lutein-rich foods. Other healthy options include Swiss chard, collard greens, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are both important nutrients for eye health, as both of them are found in high concentrations in your macula, the small central part of your retina responsible for detailed central vision.

More specifically, lutein is also found in your macular pigment, known for helping to protect your central vision and aid in blue light absorption, and zeaxanthin is found in your retina.

Both have been linked to a lower risk of cataracts and advanced macular degeneration. Julie Mares, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, told Nutrition Action: “They’re the predominant carotenoids in both the lens and the retina, and specifically in the cone-rich area of the macula… That’s the part of the retina that’s used to see fine detail, like reading a pill bottle or newspaper…

By age 75, 50% of us will either have a visually significant cataract or have already had one extracted. It is the #1 cause of poor vision among people aged 65 to 74.

There is compelling evidence for a potential protective effect of these carotenoids. They are nutritional powerhouses, with lots of antioxidants.

2. Orange Pepper

According to a Y 1998 study in the British Journal of Ophthalmology orange pepper had the highest amount of zeaxanthin of the 33 fruits and vegetables tested. Zeaxanthin cannot be made by your body, so you must get it from your diet.

3. Organic Pastured Egg Yolks

Egg yolk is a source of both lutein and zeaxanthin along with healthy fat and protein, and while the total amount of carotenoids is lower than in many vegetables, they’re in a highly absorbable, nearly ideal form.

According to recent research, adding a couple of eggs to your salad can also increase the carotenoid absorption from the whole meal as much as 9X.

Keep in mind that once you heat egg yolks the lutein and zeaxanthin become damaged, and will not perform as well in protecting your vision; so cook your eggs as little as possible, such as poached, soft-boiled, or raw.

4. Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon

Rich in omega-3s, the omega-3 fat DHA is concentrated in your eye’s retina. It provides healthy structural support to cell membranes that boost eye health and protect retinal function, and research suggests eating more foods rich in these fats may slow macular degeneration.

In fact, those with the highest intake of animal-based omega-3 fats have a 60% lower risk of advanced macular degeneration compared to those who consume the least.

A Y 2009 study found that those with the highest consumption of omega-3 fats were 30% less likely to progress to the advanced form of the disease over a 12-yr frame.

A 2nd study published in Y 2009 found those with diets high in omega-3 fats, along with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, zinc, lutein, and zeaxanthin, had a lower risk of macular degeneration. In addition to wild-caught Alaskan salmons, sardines, and anchovies are other good sources of animal-based omega-3s.

5. Astaxanthin

Wild-caught Alaskan Salmon is a good source of astaxanthin, but you may not be able to eat enough of it to reap optimal clinical results. Astaxanthin is produced only by the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis when its water supply dries up, forcing it to protect itself from ultraviolet radiation.

Compelling evidence suggests this potent antioxidant may be among the most important healthy nutrients for the prevention of blindness. It’s a much more powerful antioxidant than both lutein and zeaxanthin and has been found to have protective benefits against a number of eye-related problems, including:

1. Cataracts Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) Cystoid macular edema
2. Diabetic retinopathy Glaucoma Inflammatory eye diseases (i.e., retinitis, iritis, keratitis, and scleritis)
3. Retinal arterial occlusion Venous occlusion
4. Astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier and the blood-retinal barrier (beta carotene and lycopene do not), which brings antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection right to our eyes.

Dr. Mark Tso of the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University has demonstrated that astaxanthin easily crosses into the tissues of your eye and exerts its effects safely and with more potency than any of the other carotenoids, without adverse reactions.

Depending on your individual situation, you may want to take an astaxanthin supplement. Krill oil contains high-quality animal-based omega-3 fat in combination with naturally occurring astaxanthin, but at lower levels than an astaxanthin supplement.

6. Black Currants

Black currants contain some of the highest levels of anthocyanins found in nature, approximately 190-270 milligrams per 100 grams, which is far more than that found in even Bilberries. They are also rich in essential fatty acids, lending added healthy support to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Anthocyanins are flavonoids, and the health benefits of these antioxidants are extensive. As discussed in a Y 2004 scientific paper: “Anthocyanin isolates and anthocyanin-rich mixtures of bioflavonoids may provide protection from DNA cleavage, estrogenic activity (altering development of hormone-dependent disease symptoms), enzyme inhibition, boosting production of cytokines (thus regulating immune responses), anti-inflammatory activity, lipid peroxidation, decreasing capillary permeability and fragility, and membrane strengthening.”

For medicinal purposes, many opt for using black currant seed oil, it is available in capsule form. But eating the whole food is always a healthy  option, especially when in season.

7. Bilberry

Bilberry is a close relative of the Blueberry, and it is another nutritional powerhouse for our eyes. Its berries also contain high amounts of anthocyanins, just like the black currant. Anthocyanin-rich bilberry extract has a protective effect on visual function during retinal inflammation.

A study in the journal Advances in Gerontology found that rats with early senile cataract and macular degeneration who received 20 mg of Bilberry extract per kilo of body weight suffered no impairment of their lens and retina, while 70% of the control group suffered degeneration over the 3 month-long study.

According to the authors: “The results suggest that… long-term supplementation with Bilberry extract is effective in prevention of macular degeneration and cataract.”

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively.


Paul Ebeling



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