The research results presented by the Association of purchasing managers in Canada and the Richard Ivey School of Business, have shown that the index of business activity rose sharply, exceeding average forecasts.

According to the report, the September business activity index rose to 58.4 points from 52.3 points in the previous month. Analysts had expected the figure at 53.0 points. Recall, the indicator shows the level of business activity of the industrial sector. More than 150 managers from different regions and sectors are invited to assess the level of purchases compared to the previous month (above, below or at the same level). A reading above 50 indicates an increase in purchases, and a value below 50 indicates a decrease in their volume.

In addition:

  • employment sub-index rose to 54.0 in September from 46.9 in August

  • stocks fell in September to 46.7 against 61.2 in August

  • The index of price fell to 56.8 against 56.7 in August

  • delivery time index rose to 51.7 from 46.1 in August

The unadjusted index of business activity of purchasing managers in September amounted to 68.1 points compared to 53.8 points in August.

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