Clinton Plans to Destroy Wall St and Free Markets

Clinton said that if elected in November next year, she would appoint strict overseers to ensure that financial firms never again indulge in the kind of risky behavior that helped cause the 2008 banking crash.

Her misguided ramblings included the following plans straight from the Karl Marx Playbook.

She proposed “encouraging” firms to share profits with employees, forget the shareholders, and ensuring that stock buybacks are not used just for an immediate boost in share prices. She said she will announce a plan to reform capital gains taxes to reward longer-term investments and not just quick trades.

Clinton hinted at tougher regulations to stem the serious risks she said were emerging from the shadow banking system of hedge funds, high-frequency traders and non-bank finance companies. She referred to them as “so many new kinds of entities which receive little oversight at all.”

Clinton put the fight for higher wages for working Americans at the heart of her economic agenda, although her speech was short on specific policy proposals.

“The measure of our success must be how much incomes rise for hard-working families, not just for successful CEOs and money managers,” she said.

Speaking at a liberal university in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village, Clinton, a former secretary of state, devoted an unexpectedly large part of her address to Wall Street.

Teresa Ghilarducci, a labor economist at The New School who has been informally advising Clinton’s campaign, said her remarks on Wall Street ended up being lengthier than a draft circulated on Friday suggested they would be.

Clinton laid out a series of ideas that could change the way major U.S. companies work. She said banks cannot be “too big to fail.”

She is the clear favorite to win the Democratic nomination but faces a growing challenge from Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont and self-styled socialist who is drawing large crowds at campaign events.

Despite the tough talk, Clinton and her husband, Bill Clinton, have deep ties with Wall Street. Both have been paid handsomely for speeches by major financial and investment institutions in recent years, including Goldman Sachs and the Carlyle Group.

Hillary Clinton, who represented Wall Street as part of her constituency when she was a U.S. senator for New York, has long looked to people in the financial industry for large campaign donations.

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