FreshForex changed trade server's nameDear traders,

FreshForex changed trade server’s name, so you can find us easier!

Trade server’s name for real account is changed from RistonCapital-Real to FreshForex-Real, and for demo accounts — from RistonCapital-Demo to FreshForex-Demo. The same is valid for mobile versions for Android and iOS: now you can find us by simply entering FreshForex.

Some traders had difficulties with access to MT4 server due to name change. If you get an error “Disconnected due to incorrect server’s name. Contact your broker”, when trying access the server, try following:

Open “About..” in the menu, press on MetaTrader 4 logo and hold until device vibrates. Server addresses will be updated and you can try to access again using server’s name FreshForex-Real or FreshForex-Demo. If it doesn’t help, reload mobile app from the Market.


We wish you successful trading!

By admin