FXStreet (Mumbai) – German Finance Minister Schaeuble is crossing wires via a piece in Handelsblatt, making few points with regards to the Greek bridge financing issue.

Key Quotes:

‘debt certificates could provide bridge financing’
‘govt-issued IOUs were again discussed at yesterday’s Eurogroup meetin’

‘other options include reactivating the EFSM that still has €1.5bln capacity or using the €3.2bln in profits generated by the ECB in buying Greek govt bonds’

‘countries including France may provide bilateral loans to Greece’

‘Greece needs €7bln short term but may take 4 weeks to get it from ESM’

German Finance Minister Schaeuble is crossing wires via a piece in Handelsblatt, making few points with regards to the Greek bridge financing issue.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

By FXOpen