Deutsche Bank and the Fraud of Too-Big-To-Fail


Will Deutsche Bank survive? This is a question of considerable significance, yet very few readers will properly understand this significance. In terms of understanding the question, the starting point to genuine insight is simple. It begins with comprehending that Deutsche Bank is nothing but a corporate front.

This will be old news to regular readers, but newer readers need to be introduced to “the One Bank”. The existence of this massive crime syndicate was first demonstrated in evidentiary terms via the computer modeling done by a trio of Swiss academics, research originally published by Forbes magazine.

The trio studied control relationships among a massive data sample of ten million economic actors: individuals and corporate entities. Their conclusions were nothing less than shocking.

  1.  A single “super entity” by itself controls approximately 40% of the global economy.
  2. The “super entity” is composed of over 140 corporate fronts.


Of equal importance, ¾ of the corporate fronts in this gigantic monopoly are financial institutions of one form or another, hence the name for this crime syndicate: the One Bank.


The One Bank controls (as its primary business) essentially all of the Big Banks of the Western world, all of the central banks of the Western world, as well as many of the Big Banks and central banks of other strategically important nations. It is impossible to properly understand “too big to fail” as an institutionalized program of systemic blackmail if one does not understand that (in the West) there is only one bank.

With this new understanding, we can revisit the Crash of ’08 and the surreal theater which took place during this manufactured crisis. Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and most if not all of the large financial institutions which did not survive that manufactured event did not “go bankrupt”. They were all sacrificed, deliberately, to provide some blood in the water in order to make the financial theater – and extortion – seem legitimate.

Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, et al were only minor appendages of the One Bank, in relative terms. More importantly, most if not all of the bad debt which our puppet governments “bailed out” through making extortion payments to this crime syndicate was owed between these various tentacles of the One Bank.

Our governments “bailed out” the left hand of the One Bank so that it could pay off its right hand. In other words, much/most of these losses were just paper shams, bad debts which were deliberately manufactured by this banking crime syndicate, in order to create an imaginary need/justification for the blackmail payments it extorted. Worse still, the assets of the tentacles that were sacrificed were then cannibalized by the remaining tentacles, allowing the surviving tentacles to grow larger than ever.

Of course even if this was not the case, there could never, ever be a concept known as “too big to fail” in any capitalist system. In any legitimate capitalist economy, it is not merely desirable for insolvent entities to be allowed to fail, it is absolutely necessary.

Bankruptcy, or the soft-bankruptcy of restructuring is the only mechanism for purging bad debt and malinvestment, in any/every capitalist economy. What do we get if we prevent the (healthy) mechanism of bankruptcy from being able to purge bad debt and malinvestment? We get Japan.

While the U.S. tentacles of the One Bank get credit for being the authors of the phrase “too big to fail”, it was Japan which was the birthplace for this (failed) concept. Over 30 years ago; Japan’s government refused to let its own fraud-ridden Big Banks go bankrupt. For more than 3 decades; Japan has had near-zero interest rates – providing free capital for corrupt, insolvent banks, at the expense of all other entities in the economy.

Japan had already proven that “too big to fail” was as repugnant economically as it is morally, before the era of such fraud even began in the West. “Give us everything we want, or we will blow up the financial system.” It killed Japan’s economy, and it is killing the economies of the Western world as well.

The difference is that the duplicitous lackeys who call themselves our “leaders” have been instructed to speed up this process of economic cannibalization of the Western world. The One Bank can’t afford to wait 30 years to blood-suck Western nations dry, so it has instructed its lackeys in government to start moving to negative interest rates: borrowers stealing from lenders, banks stealing from their depositors.

This brings us back to Deutsche Bank, and the two scenarios which loom ahead for Germany, and by implication, the Western world.

  1.  Deutsche Bank will be sacrificed, as the “blood in the water” to create a sense of reality in the next wave of too-big-to-fail theater. Then after the One Bank feasts on its bones, it will threaten more “bank failures” (and systemic collapse) if it does not receive a new round of extortion payments, dispersed throughout its various tentacles by our puppet governments.
  2. Deutsche Bank will not be allowed to fail because Germany’s puppet politicians will insist that it is “too big to fail” – and meet any/all extortion demands, no matter how outrageous.


Many readers will argue that scenario (a) isn’t possible, because Deutsche Bank really is “too big to fail”. However, this is not true, no matter what set of premises one chooses to accept as fact. As nothing more than a tentacle of a crime syndicate, Deutsche Bank could not take down the System (i.e. the One Bank itself).

First of all, the One Bank would never allow itself to become financially vulnerable in that manner. Secondly, having literally infinite capacity to conjure more funny-money, it is mathematically impossible that its losses could ever exceed its electronically counterfeited currency.

However, even for readers who reject the research and evidence that all of these Big Banks are just the fronts of a larger crime syndicate, too-big-to-fail is a mantra of nonsense in any capitalist system. Any entity which claims it is “too big to fail” has instantly proven that it is too big to exist – simply by making such a preposterous assertion. All insolvent entities in a capitalist system should be put to death. Any entity which claimed that it was equally important as the System itself would automatically move to the front of the line in bankruptcy proceedings.

There is absolutely no theoretical or economic rationale for the concept that any institution could be “too big to fail”. There is certainly no moral justification for such economic heresy. It is nothing but naked extortion, perpetrated against the willing lackeys in our governments – who simply feign reluctance as they hand over anything and everything that their real Masters demand.

What will be different about the too-big-to-fail blackmail which will take place when the Next Crash arrives is that bail-outs are “out”, and bail-ins are “in”. The so-called “bail in” is just another banking crime euphemism. It means nothing. As with too-big-to-fail, it is a concept without any economic, legal, or moral justification of any kind.

Bail-ins are just more naked fraud: the tentacles of the One Bank pointing at the privately-held assets that they want to steal; traitorous politicians rubber-stamping those extortion demands. A “bail in” is an illegal extortion payment, made to a criminal entity, without even the tiniest element of legal justification. Calling this insanity is an understatement.

As nothing but a paper, corporate front, Deutsche Bank is a meaningless entity. However, as the pawn of a near-omnipotent crime syndicate, this corporate front acquires great significance. One way or another, the pawn will be used to initiate another wave of systemic theft – one which dwarfs the $10’s of trillions in past and future extortion payments from 2008. The only way that Deutsche Bank will not represent the first salvo in another mass-plundering is if the One Bank chooses to play one of its other pawns first.

Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan: they are all just names. Ultimately it’s not these names which can and will harm us. Instead, it is the Game which harms us, a game of extortion and coercion. Its players are the psychopathic puppet masters of a crime syndicate which has no (official) name.





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Deutsche Bank and the Fraud of Too-Big-To-Fail

Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK FOR ORIGINAL)

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