Donald Trump, Ben Carson Has A “Pathological Disease”

Donald Trump, the GOP presidential front-runner has joined the attack Dr. Ben Carson, accusing him of “pathological disease” over the disputed stories in his biography.

“He writes a book where he went after his mother, hit her on the head or wanting to hit her on the head with a hammer, hitting a friend in the face with a padlock, hard in the face,”  Donald Trump said Sunday on “Meet the Press.”

Donald Trump sounded doubtful of Dr. Carson’s story that he attempted to stab a friend at age 14, only to be stopped by a belt buckle.

“If you know belt buckles, they turn and they twist,” he said. “I don’t think they could have stopped a knife with the force of a strong man.”

Donald Trump continued his attack on Carson for having “pathological disease.”

“If you have pathological disease, that’s a problem,” Donald Trump said. “He wrote it, I didn’t write it. He’s going to have to explain a lot of things away.”

He then listed of other stories being questioned by the media, a West Point scholarship offered at a dinner with Gen. William Westmoreland and the Egyptian pyramids being built by Joseph to store grain.

Sunday Dr. Carson said that questions about discrepancies in his autobiography are distractions from “much more important” matters facing the country and that he’d discuss any “real” scandal uncovered about his past. He strongly disputed any dishonesty or wrongdoing.

Monday, Dr. Carson said it is time to move on from questions about the accuracy of his life story. Tuesday’s GOP on Fox Business New channel debate makes that very unlikely.

Trumpeting for Trump


Paul Ebeling



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