Donald Trump Brings Humor Back To Politics

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is bringing humor back into politics, and it’s a welcome change, President Reagan biographer Craig Shirley said on TV.

“You watch it as an observer and you think, ‘My God, it’s been too long since we laughed at national politics,’” Mr. Shirley said Wednesday.

Great presidents and candidates have always understood the power of humor, Mr. Shirley said, citing John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.

“How long has it been since we’ve laughed?” Mr. Shirley said. “We never laughed when George Bush was President. We have not laughed in the last 7 years since Barack Obama, and maybe it’s a little bit on the cheap side or whatever, but it is nice to see people in politics at least enjoying themselves once in a while.”

Mr. Trump has been ridiculing rival Jeb Bush in videos, showing a woman falling asleep at one his events in one and Bush’s own mother Barbara saying, “We have had enough Bushes,” in another, followed by the tagline: “Mother Knows Best.”

Mr. Bush has been positioning himself as an outsider in attempt to regain the front-runner status he has lost to Mr. Trump, but Mr. Shirley said that will be hard. Mr. Bush may be best known as Governor of Florida, but he’s still part of a family that has been seen as Washington establishment for 50 years.

“It’s not just about geography, it is also about culture,” Mr. Shirley said.

Mr. Bush will not be able to break out of the establishment mold, and should instead worry about focusing on a signature issue for his campaign, Mr. Shirley said.

Trumpeting for Trump

Stay tuned…

Paul Ebeling

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