Donald Trump, “CNBC Means CanNot BeClean”

CNBC means CanNot BeClean as Donald Trump sees it going into Wednesday evening GOP debate for Boulder, Colorado.

Donald Trump the GOP frontrunner in the race with Dr. Ben Carson for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, believes the business network will not give him a fair shake when it stages Wednesday night’s 3rd GOP debate.

“No, I don’t expect the debate to be fair,” Mr. Trump said in an interview..

And in a tweet posted Wednesday, Mr. Trump added, “After a great evening and packed auditorium in Iowa, I am now in Colorado looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair debate!

“CNBC continues to report fictitious poll numbers. Number 1, based on every statistic, is Trump by a wide margin. They just cannot say it!”

Donald Trump has had a stormy relationship with NBCUniversal, a unit of Comcast Corp (NASDAQ:CMCSA), CNBC’s parent company.

For years, he was the star of NBC’s runaway hit series “The Apprentice.” But they parted ways earlier this year following his controversial remarks about Mexican immigrants.

But, the debate moderators Carl Quintanilla, Becky Quick and John Harwood promised to be fair and give equal time to each candidate.

Immediately following the debate, Sarah Palin and other tTop pundits will join a TV post-debate special program offering their take on the candidates’ performance.

In addition to the former Alaska governor, political experts joining the TV special include Dick Morris, John Zogby, Michael Reagan, Craig Shirley and others.

Trumpeting for Trump


Paul Ebeling

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