Donald Trump Is Leading An American ‘Revolution’

Donald Trump’s dominance in the Republican primaries reflects peaceful overthrow of the government in a Revolution against the ruling class.

Donald Trump has and continues to prove the importance of his message with American voters.

“Here is a guy who has said some very inflammatory, very intemperate things and rather than it hurt him, it has actually propelled him because that’s how people feel,” former Arkansas Gov.Huckabee said Saturday in a interview..

“People are angry. I think we’re seeing nothing less than the overthrow of our government… It’s a peaceful overthrow so far. We’re going to do it by ballots, not bullets, thank God, but this is a revolution. The people are that upset with the ruling class and frankly, they ought to be.”

Gov. Huckabee added that he felt “nothing would be better for this country than to have a full disruption of the ruling class in Washington.”

It is Donald Trump’s unapologetic stances that have earned him voters’ admiration, Huckabee says.

“He has been the Teddy Roosevelt who’s charging up San Juan Hill and there is no retreat,” Huckabee adds. “Win or lose, he’s going to dig in and he’s not going to ever pull the troops back.”

That’s what voters want, Gov. Huckabee contends.

“There’s a lot of Americans who are so glad that if Donald Trump is president, he’s not going to give an apology tour to the rest of the world,” he said. “He’s not going to go around and say, ‘We’re so sorry, we didn’t mean to offend you, oh my gosh let’s have a beer summit, let me sit down and weep and cry.’ No he’s going to say what he said. America needs to win again and that is why he is rising.”

Donald Trump should never apologize for the chaotic and hostile protests that triggered cancellation of a rally in Chicago Friday.

“It isn’t his fault,” the former Governor  said. “This was not some spontaneous uprising of some disaffected young people,” adding he hoped Trump will use the event “to remind people that the answer to free speech is not to shut someone down, the answer to free speech is more speech.”

“If you do not like Donald Trump, don’t vote for him,” he said. “If you do not like Donald Trump do not go hear him in his speech, but do not keep other people from hearing because what they did last night, those protesters, they shut down his speech but they gave him the entire weekend news platform. I will assure you that this helps, not hurts, Donald Trump.”

Gov. Huckabee says he will not endorse a candidate in the primary.

He also said Marco Rubio “hurt himself when he tried to out-Trump Trump” during a debate 2 weeks ago, a performance for which the Florida lawmaker apologize, as he found he was duped by the RNC to harm Donald Trump

“He admitted it was a mistake, he said he regrets it,” Gov. Huckabee said. “It’s very rare for a person at that level of politics to openly and publicly say, ‘I messed up,’ and I thought for me his stock went way up because he had the humility to recognize that that’s not who he is.”

Trumpeting for Trump


Paul Ebeling

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