Donald Trump Is Re-aligning American Politics

A few weeks ago I told my forum that Donald Trump should offer Governor Kasich the VP position, and Senator Cruz the vacant Supreme Court seat.

This Grand Bargain would clear the primary field and halt any smoky backroom hijacking of the nomination by the Washington GOP elite,  it would also permit each man to play his highest and best role at this re-alignment of American politics.

Donald Trump’s mission is to destroy the Bush led Republican/Neocon elite, and bring working class America back into a modern version of the Republican Party I recall before JFK/LBJ came into power.

Ted Cruz’s mission is to spend his lifetime bringing strict constructionism back to the high court, thereby helping to restore constitutional restraints on a government that threatens personal liberty and economic freedom and prosperity in the USA.

There is strong logic for the politics of the deal, too, There would be winners all around, especially the long-suffering American people.

The American people would score big: a faithful high court and one less descension in the Congress.

The American people need a force of nature who can rain shock on Washington in so doing overturn its vast network of prosperous Above the Rose gangsters who feed off the military industrial complex, the healthcare cartel, the education monopolies, and the legions of other crony capitalist rackets.

That Force of Nature is Donald Trump!

Donald Trump’s Key virtue is that his only acquaintance with Washington, DC is attendance at an occasional Kennedy Center gala. He is unschooled in the self-serving rationalizations that keep the rackets going, even as he is endowed with such ample self-confidence that he is sure to go charging into the nation’s fiscal mess like a US Marine Sargent leading a platoon in Taking a Hill.

He is likely to dive into the budget directly, and then there will be fear and trembling all around DC.

Big Pharma and the healthcare insurance cartel are already in Donald Trump’s howitzer sights, but once he gets to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue he will quickly discover the target rich environment on the Pentagon side of the Potomac.

Donald Trump has the capacity to carry a grudge and seek revenge upon those who personally offend him, that includes Barack Hussein Obama, and Mitt Romney, Hillary and Bill Clinton should also be careful.

Donald Trump is taking names and will surely be kicking asses of offenders. Especially the Bush led neocon elites aka America’s War Party, who declared war on his candidacy.

The DC and NYC chattering class are scared to death of Donald Trump’s finger on the nuclear button. I have not heard such hysteria since they worked up the same campaign against Ronald Reagan in the Fall of Y 1980.

So, in a world heading into fiscal ruin, Donald Trump is likely to “negotiate” an end to the waste on arms and thereby win the Nobel Peace Prize than he is to start a War.

Donald Trump has brought America’s middle class back to the Republican Party and that is Key .

There is no hope for capitalism, fiscal solvency and constitutional governance and liberty in America if GOP remains in the shadow of the War Party and its crony capitalist gangsters, they will stop at nothing to stop, and that is why he wears a bullet-proof vest and carries a 45, and maintains his own security to augment the US Secret Service protection he is afforded.

Friends, I believe that The People are finished with the corruptions and destruction that has come out of Washington over the last 30 years.

The is now clear for Donald Trump deliver a Grand New Bargain from the Grand Old Party.

Trumpeting for Trump


Paul Ebeling

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