Donald Trump Names Top Conservatives To Leadership Committee
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump Thursday named US Representatives Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins as co-Chairs of his campaign’s US House Leadership Committee.
Mr. Hunter, who serves California’s San Diego County, and Mr. Collins, who serves New York’s 27th Congressional district, will lead outreach efforts to their fellow congressmen in support of Mr. Trump’s bid for the Oval Office.
“Congressman Hunter and Congressman Collins are conservative stalwarts,” Donald Trump said.
“I am honored to have the support of these two well respected Members of Congress who share my vision of securing our borders, strengthening our military, treating our veterans with the respect and care they deserve and putting Americans first again.”
Earlier this week, Donald Trump announced his campaign will open a Washington, DC-based office to coordinate his campaign’s work with the Republican National Committee (RNC), Congress, and his convention and delegate operations.
Wednesday, Donald Trump said that it is “very important that we elevate the conversation” to relevant issues during the rest of the campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination.
“I would much rather talk about the issues than the kind of things that are being brought up,” the front-runner said in a Town Hall meeting at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.
Donald Trump’s policies are very different than the others in the Presidential race, things will “shake out” to show he is right on every point. Lots of people may not like Donald Trump personally, but they know he is the right person for the US Presidency when you look at the issues important for The People.
Trumpeting for Trump
Paul Ebeling
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