Donald Trump Questions Rubio & Cruz’s US Citizenship

GOP Presidential front-runner Donald Trump has questioned Ted Cruz’s (TX) ability to legally run for President and now he is questioning Marco Rubio’s (FL) eligibility, suggesting he is not a citizen.

An attorney claims that Sen. Rubio is not a naturalized citizen because he was born in the United States to Cuban parents who were not citizens.

Marco Rubio was born in Florida on 28 May 1971 and his parents came to the United States from Cuba in the 1950’s.

Currently, there is a lawsuit pending in Broward County, FL. challenging the eligibility of both Senators Cruz and Rubio; Cruz because of where he was born and Rubio because of where his parents were born.

Sunday on TV when Donald Trump was ask about the controversy he said, “Because I’m not sure. I mean, let people make their own determination. I know Ted is being now — I think he’s being sued by somebody having nothing to do with me, by the way.”

“You’re really not sure that Marco Rubio is eligible to run for president? You’re really not sure?” he was asked.

“I don’t know. I really — I’ve never looked at it. I honestly have never looked at it. As somebody said, he’s not. And I retweeted it. I have 14-M people between Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and I re-Tweet things, and we start dialogue and it’s very interesting,” Donald Trump said.

Marco Rubio brushed off Trump’s latest claims and noted that this is a “Game” Donald Trump plays.

Sunday, Senator Marco Rubio challenged Republican residential front-runner Donald Trump to “step up and outline his foreign policy vision.”

A review shows the Florida Senator has skipped 60% of congressional hearings on the the foreign policy issue since joining the Senate despite making his committee experience a centerpiece of his qualifications for President.

And that is not all.

A new overall review of all committees Senator Mubio has sat on since taking office in Y 2011 paints a bleak picture of participation in the day-to-day responsibilities of the job.

Marco Rubio is on the Foreign Relations, Intelligence, Commerce and Small Business and Entrepreneurship committees, he has missed 68% of hearings, or 407 of 598 for which records were available.

His skipped 80% of Commerce hearings and 85% of those held by Small Business, records show.

The figures are through November 2015, and Senator Rubio’s absenteeism has only worsened as he has hit the campaign trail full-time. He already has the worst missed-vote record of any current Senator.

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani gives Donald Trump kudos on his understanding of complex policy issues, declaring, “You know, he is very good.”m

“It’s clear that he has an exceptionally good understanding of how the economy affects our foreign policy,”Mayor Giuliani sayd.

“He understands what’s happening with China, how they could stop North Korea in a heartbeat. This idea that he’s only familiar with slogans, it’s not accurate at all.”

Trumpeting for Trump


Paul Ebeling



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