Donald Trump Shakes Up The GOP
Mr. Trump may be a longshot to actually become president, it is not impossible,
Donald Trump has shaken up the GOP presidential race because voters do not see him as a phony politician, political analyst Dick Morris said Monday on TV.
Republican voters are angry after seeing no conservative change in government after winning the elections of Y’s 2000, 2004, 2010 and 2014, Mr. Morris said.
“What do we have to show for it?” Mr. Morris said. Supreme Court Chief Justice John “Roberts who votes for Barack Obamacare, the Republicans who give the president more power to conclude treaties.”
The GOP gained control of the US Senate, yet has given President Barack Hussein Obama power to make a treaty with Iran with only a 33% vote of the Senate instead of the traditional 67%, Mr. Morris said.
“People are saying if we win, we want at least to win something,” he said. “With Trump, what you see is what you get.”
Mr. Trump has forced the other GOP candidates to talk about illegal immigration, Mr. Morris said, but that influence has extended to other issues as well.
“A candidate like Donald Trump really can transform the political dialogue, and that is definitely what he is doing,” Mr. Morris said.
Though Mr. Trump may be a longshot to actually become president, it is is impossible, Mr. Morris said.
Voters want somebody who has an opinion and follows through, whether it’s the left with Bernie Sanders or the right with Donald Trump, he said. “They are both striking a really important nerve, and it’s called authenticity.”
The least authentic candidate in the GOP field is former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Mr. Morris said.
“When I look at the rise of Hilary Clinton and before that the rise of Bill Clinton, I realize that it is the Bush family that has done more to facilitate that than anybody else in the country,” he said.
Donald Trump is the real thing, he has what they all want and can never have, huge personal wealth and is not beholding to any lobby.
Stay tuned…
Paul Ebeling
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