Donald Trump Supports Keystone XL Pipeline For Profits Share
Thursday, GOP front-runner Donald Trump gave Americans and Canadians too, how he will act as President, and as he does as CEO of his company.
Asked about his support for the Keystone XL pipeline that President Barack Hussein Obama recently axed, Donald Trump said not only would he support it, he would demand a 25% of the profits for the United States.
Thursday in an TV interview, the interviewer told Mr. Trump some critics said that sounded a like Venezuela, where the socialist government owns 60% of foreign companies.
“No, I think it sounds smart,” Donald Trump said.
While the pipeline will create thousands of jobs, it also requires use of American land, which will be taken by eminent domain, he said.
“But you’re selling Canadian product essentially,” Donald Trump said. “Now, that’s not so helpful to us. But they have to get through our land to go to the certain area where it’s best for them.”
That is fine, he said, especially as it helps the United States become less dependent on Middle East Crude Oil.
“But I want a piece of the deal,” he said. “When I say I want a piece, I’m now representing our country the way I would represent myself.”
Note: The Keystone XL Pipeline System is an Crude Oil pipeline system in Canada and the United States, commissioned in Y 2010, and owned by TransCanada Corporation (NYSE:TRP) is a major North American energy company based in Calgary, Alberta, developing and operating energy infrastructure in North America
Trumpeting for Trump
Paul Ebeling
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