Donald Trump’s Staunch Supporters Get Stauncher

In the 5 weeks since Donald Trump, 69 anni, became a Republican presidential candidate, he has insulted criminal Mexican immigrants, other White House contenders and US GOP Senator John McCain (AZ), his party’s Y 2008 presidential nominee who got hammered in the election.

That is the way his staunchest supporters like it.

Some mainstream political pundits say the billionaire real estate mogul overplayed his hand this weekend when he said McCain was not a war hero despite enduring 5 yrs of torture in the Hanoi Hilton prison as a US Navy fighter pilot shot down during the Vietnam War. But remember that a few days prior Sen. McCain styled Mr. Trump’s supporters as ‘crazies.’

The dust up has not bothered the majority of voters who have made Mr. Trump the front-runner among the 16 candidates vying for the Republican Party nomination in the November 2016 election. One Vet was quoted by the media as saying “it was funny.”

Do not forget this Key item, Donald Trump is not on the ‘stump’ raising money, he is self financing his campaign.

A tracking poll Tuesday finds Trump winning the support of 17% of Republicans, effectively tied for the lead with Jeb Bush.

Over a 45 yr career as a real-estate developer and reality TV star, Mr. Trump has assumed a powerful persona and brand to help market his hotels, buildings, and golf courses.

His straight forward speaking style has generated very positive results since he entered the presidential race on 16 June.

Mr. Trump draws his strongest support from voters without a college degree and those who earn less than $50,000 a year, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling.

Supporters say Mr. Trump’s brash rhetoric is a most appealing quality, a refreshing contrast to what they see as the overly cautious speaking style of other politicians.

His backers say they like his record of success in business and the fact that he has no experience in politics. Many say his $10-B personal fortune is a sign that he cannot be bought, unlike other politicians who have to appeal to wealthy donors and corporate lobbies.

Donald Trump appears to have tapped into a deep-seated uneasiness with immigration among many Republican voters. While his comments were widely condemned by Hispanic groups, Democrats and the Mexican government, many of those interviewed by the press said they agreed with his assessment that many immigrants are criminal.

Mr. Trump’s association with the “Birther” movement that questions US President Barack Hussein Obama’s citizenship and Christian faith is a plus for many.

Republican Party figures have not really challenged him for his comments on immigrants or Mr. Obama’s citizenship, but his feud with McCain has brought on some condemnation from party officials and other candidates.

Several of Mr. Trump supporters said they believed they had been mis-characterized by the liberal media. But most said it did not affect their opinion of him.

Trumpeting for Trump.

Paul Ebeling


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