Currently 0.7992 and still underpinned
UK services PMI data coming up at 08.30 GMT
Offers: 0.8000 0.8020 0.8030 0.8060-65 (strong) 0.8085 0.8100
Bids: 0.7970-75 0.7950 0.7930 0.7900 0.7880-85 0.7865 0.7850
Forex – financial instrument.Forex news
Currently 0.7992 and still underpinned
UK services PMI data coming up at 08.30 GMT
Offers: 0.8000 0.8020 0.8030 0.8060-65 (strong) 0.8085 0.8100
Bids: 0.7970-75 0.7950 0.7930 0.7900 0.7880-85 0.7865 0.7850