Currently 1.0861 with an eye on equities still
1.0880-85 1.0900
1.0925 1.0945-50 1.0985 1.1000 1.1025 1.1050 1.1080 1.1100
Bids: 1.0850
1.0830 1.0800 1.0780-85 1.0765 1.0750 1.0730 1.0700 1.0680 1.0650
Forex – financial instrument.Forex news
Currently 1.0861 with an eye on equities still
1.0880-85 1.0900
1.0925 1.0945-50 1.0985 1.1000 1.1025 1.1050 1.1080 1.1100
Bids: 1.0850
1.0830 1.0800 1.0780-85 1.0765 1.0750 1.0730 1.0700 1.0680 1.0650