Expect Donald Trump To Be Good For Stock Market

The United States has been led by establishment politicians, even Ronald Reagan did not live up to his principals.

For a long, long time there has been no real difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the economy and supporting a free-market.

America has prospered despite every President every year spending more money than the prior year. That spending increased the size of the federal government far beyond what would have been expected from inflation or population growth.

Every government agency and program expanded almost exponentially.

Yes, Ronald Reagan cut the tax rates when he got into office. Then just as fast, the tax burden on every taxpayer went up and stayed up.

The 1987 Tax Reform Act did not reform anything.

The Act actually raised the tax burden, wiped out the saving and loan industry, hammered the real estate markets, and made fortunes for the government insiders who, like vampires, and got the remains of the real estate properties handed to them on a Silver Platter by the Resolution Trust Corporation.

Remember Iran and the Contras?

Then came Bush (41), Clinton(42), Bush (43), and Barack Hussein Obama. This is Y 2015 and the situation is worse.

The US federal government is fundamentally dysfunctional.

And in this context Donald Trump, 69 anni, has created the public perception as a builder, creator, and brand marketer extraordinaire, comes onto the political scene.

Donald Trump is a political outsider, and;

1. When he says he cannot be bought, the American people believe him.

2. When he says that he will put into place experienced people who can leverage American economic strength to put the United States on top, create the environment for private industry to create jobs, the American people believe him.

3. When he says he is is pro-choice and will be the best President for women and simplify the tax system, the American people believe him.

4. When he vows to support Israel, build the Wall, re-build the military and stand against the Islamist threat, American people believe him.

5. When he promises to hire smart people and fire incompetents, and do what is in the best interests of America, the American people believe him, and

The Big Q: Why do the American people believe him?

The Big A: Because Donald Trump talks and sounds like regular people when they talk to their friends and neighbors; he is unabashed, brash, unfettered, politically incorrect; he is the way American would be when let loose from the established political stranglehold of Washington, DC, an America that can compete with every country of the world and come out on top.

Donald Trump as President of the United States will be good for the markets.

Stay tuned…


Paul Ebeling

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