FXStreet (Bali) – Fed’s Williams, crossed the wires in the last few minutes, noting that the US economy can handle the start of a rate hike process.
Via Reuters
US economic data lately has been at or above expectations
The important thing is that we get this first rate hike done; exact timing not a concern
Haven’t seen anything in last month or two that suggests China growth is worse than thought
Rise in house prices doesn’t mean should raise rates faster, but shows risks of liftoff delay
Once rate hikes begin, want to avoid any lockstep or discernible pattern of hikes
October Fed meeting is a ‘live’ meeting; a little bit more data could convince me to act
Absolutely confident that Fed has tools to raise rates when it decides to do so
US needs to get its fiscal house in order in the long run
Monetary policy needs to be driven by outlook
Federal Reserve policy should be guided by the data
We have to be willing to raise rates and then reassess policy
The economy can handle the start of the process of a rate increase
We have to be willing to raise rates and then reassess policy
October is a ‘live’ meeting, more data could convince me to hike
(Market News Provided by FXstreet)