Update: Minutes after Pelosi’s tantrum, Bloomberg reports that The White House plans to sign off on the memo’s release today and send it back to Congress.
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Hours after Democrat Adam Schiff attempted to distract from the imminent release of what is likely over-hyped to be a very damaging memo , by claiming “material” changes were made to the memo (which consisted of “grammatical fixes,”) Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi has written a sternly-worded letter to Speaker Ryan demanding Nunes be removed from his position as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee…
Democratic Leader Pelosi’s full letter to Speaker Paul Ryan:
Dear Mr. Speaker:
The decision of Chairman Nunes and House Republicans to release a bogus memo has taken the GOP’s cover-up campaign to a new, completely unacceptable extreme.
Both the DOJ and FBI oppose releasing the Nunes memo. As the Department of Justice warned, the public release of the memo would be an “unprecedented action” and “extraordinarily reckless.” The FBI also expressed that the agency has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.-
It has now come to our attention that Congressman Nunes deliberately and materially altered the contents of the memo since it was voted on by the House Republicans. This action is not only dangerous, it is illegitimate, and violates House rules.
From the start, Congressman Nunes has disgraced the House Intelligence Committee. Since pledging to recuse himself from the Trump-Russia investigation, Congressman Nunes has abused his position to launch a highly unethical and dangerous cover-up campaign for the White House.
Congressman Nunes’ deliberately dishonest actions make him unfit to serve as Chairman, and he must be removed immediately from this position.
House Republicans’ pattern of obstruction and cover-up to hide the truth about the Trump-Russia scandal represents a threat to our intelligence and our national security. The GOP has led a partisan effort to distort intelligence and discredit the U.S. law enforcement and intelligence communities.
It is long overdue that you, as Speaker, put an end to this charade and hold Congressman Nunes and all Congressional Republicans accountable to the oath they have taken to support and defend the Constitution, and protect the American people.
The integrity of the House is at stake. We look forward to your immediate action on this subject.
All of this comes after Pelosi’s grandstanding at Trump’s SOTU attempting to bring the narrative back to Russia-collusion narrative that has so clearly imploded…
Pelosi asked during a press conference on Wednesday…
“President Trump is completely silent about Russia’s ongoing assault on our democracy and his administration’s outrageous refusal to impose sanctions. What’s that about? What is that about?”
“What do the Russians have on him politically, personally, financially that he would ignore his responsibility in that regard?”
At least she is persistent? Or is this Einstein’s definition of madness?
The post FISA Fireworks: Pelosi Demands “Removal” Of Nunes From Intel Committee appeared first on crude-oil.news.