FXStreet (Guatemala) – Analysts at Deutsche Bank explained that the trendiness in the G10 universe has fallen sharply over the past two weeks, due largely to stabilisation in the NZD and AUD.

Key Quotes:

“Volatility has declined marginally, whereas uniformity has increased moderately, with the battle of control over Fed pricing bringing the broad dollar theme back to the fore. Overall, our metrics confirm that market conditions in G10 are challenging at the moment.

Deteriorating economic conditions in the dollar bloc continue to be more clearly reflected in market than macro drivers. Further to the market pricing looser monetary policy in New Zealand and Canada in particular, the re- appraisal of sovereign risk also maps closely onto the bloc’s weakness in the past three months.”

Analysts at Deutsche Bank explained that the trendiness in the G10 universe has fallen sharply over the past two weeks, due largely to stabilisation in the NZD and AUD.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

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