FXStreet (Bali) – Find below the list of FX Option expiry’s for today New York cut at 10:00 Eastern Time.

– EUR/USD: 1.1300 (E312M), 1.1365 (E324M)

– AUD/USD: 0.7200 (A$537M), 0.7250 (A$391M), 0.7300 (A$1BLN)

– USD/JPY: Y119.00 ($268M), Y120.00 ($501M), Y120.35 ($300M)

– USD/CAD: C$1.3000 ($595M), C$1.3050 ($466M), C$1.3100 ($785M)

Find below the list of FX Option expiry’s for today New York cut at 10:00 Eastern Time.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

By FXOpen