FXStreet (Barcelona) – Jens Nordvig, FX Strategist at Nomura, sees opportunity in going long on EUR/CHF and USD/JPY into the Greece crisis, and expecting any Greek contagion to not turn systematic.

Key Quotes

“Our inclination is to look for opportunities to get long EURCHF and long USDJPY (in spot, we already have optionalized upside), based on the view that contagion will not turn systematic.”

“Bad news in Greece will not necessarily be a catalyst for prolonged weakness in Eurozone asset markets. The price action last week confirmed that basic notion. The next 24 hours will tell how resilient Eurozone assets have become to deterioration around Greece, and whether 2015 is really fundamentally different from 2012.”

Jens Nordvig, FX Strategist at Nomura, sees opportunity in going long on EUR/CHF and USD/JPY into the Greece crisis, and expecting any Greek contagion to not turn systematic.

(Market News Provided by FXstreet)

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