FXStreet (Córdoba) – At a press conference, Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that regrettably Greek government has broken down negotiations and the bailout programme will expire on Tuesday night.
Eurogroup will hold a 18-minister meeting after the press conference, excluding Greek delegation which was called out, to discuss further steps to take to maintain the stability in the Eurozone.
The proposals on the table had already offered the “maximum” flexibility possible, Dijsselbloem said. However, Greek government rejected latest proposal and called a referendum with a negative advice to Greek people. He added that is an unfair to the people.
At the Q&A round Dijsselbloem said it is not clear how the Greek government will survive without funding. Answering what if Greek people want to stay in the Eurozone, what they could do, he said “You should ask the Greek government. I cannot answer it”.
When asked if emergency liquidity still be provided to the Greek banks once the programme has expired he said only the ECB governing council can answer that question, it is independent.
He ended the conference and said they have to continue working to protect themselves, without Greece.
(Market News Provided by FXstreet)