While readers may be used to tin-foil-hat-wearing digitial dickweeds and alt-right bloggers seeing through the veil of ignorance and media hype that hides a considerably uglier economic reality than The White House (and the stock market) might suggest, many Democrats may be shocked to discover that none other than now-acting chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile agrees…
In an email to Clinton campaign chair John Podesta from February 2016, released Friday by WikiLeaks…
Donna Brazile (who has had a tough week trying to defend her cheating allegations for giving Hillary debate questions) admits…
“I think people are more in despair about how things are – yes new jobs but they are low wage jobs… HOUSING is a huge issue. Most people pay half of what they make to rent,”
Such honesty from such a vocal and public cheerleader for the Obama administration is sure to embarrass the White House, and, as Lifezette notes, contradicts the official Democratic Party line that Obama is some sort of economy-saving superhero.
Brazile’s comments also underscore the extent to which Democrats are perfectly happy to lie to the public in furtherance of their toxic, divisive agenda.
"Under President Obama, the economy has experienced a record 70 straight months of private-sector job growth. Over 14 million jobs!" Brazile tweeted almost exactly one month before she sent her email to Podesta.
Under President Obama, the economy has experienced a record 70 straight months of private-sector job growth. Over 14 million jobs!
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) January 13, 2016
* * *
As a reminder, in a recent study entitled "Problems Unsolved and a Nation Divided" (study can be viewed in its entirety at the end of this post), Harvard University points out that, despite claims of an "Obama Recovery," in fact, the U.S. economy has continued to deteriorate in the aftermath of the "great recession." Among other things, Harvard attributes the economic deterioration to a "lack of economic strategy, especially at the federal level"…
The U.S. political system was once the envy of many nations. Over the last two decades, however, it has become our greatest liability. Americans no longer trust their political leaders, and political polarization has increased dramatically. Americans are increasingly frustrated with the U.S. political system. Independents now account for 42% of Americans, a greater percentage than that of either major party.
The political system is no longer delivering good results for the average American. Numerous indicators point to failure to compromise and deliver practical solutions to the nation’s problems. Political polarization has especially made it harder to build consensus on sensible economic policies that address key U.S. weaknesses. It is at the root of our inability to progress on the consensus Eight-Point Plan.
With that, here's a look at some of our favorite charts.
Harvard argues that one of the primary causes of the sustained economic downturn has been a lack of an economic strategy from the federal government which has instead chosen to rely exclusively on accomodative Fed policies.
The U.S. lacks an economic strategy, especially at the federal level. The implicit strategy has been to trust the Federal Reserve to solve our problems through monetary policy.
The post Head Of Democratic Party Makes Stunning Admission: “The People Are In Despair About How Things Are” appeared first on crude-oil.top.