RBI data released on its website showed that India’s total export of computer services and ITeS/BPO services (excluding commercial presence) during 2014-15 grew by 14.8 percent over the previous year to Rs 5,014 billion ($82 billion) in dollar terms.
As per the RBI survey, the U.S. and Canada continued as major destinations and accounted for nearly 60 percent of total software services exports during 2014-15. Exports of computer services and ITeS/BPO contributed 72 percent and 28 percent, respectively, to the total software services exports during this period.
Europe had nearly 25 percent share, of which UK accounted for almost half. Dollar was the invoice currency for around three-fourths of the software exports followed by Pound Sterling and Euro.
The material has been provided by InstaForex Company – www.instaforex.com