Is Thailand a US Colony? No, Glyn T Davies, It Is NOT

Glyn T Davies the current Ambassador to Thailand has made a number of remarks aimed directly at the Thai Government, remarks that were out of place an ill-informed.

Angry reactions came after the US ambassador’s statement in which Mr Davies expressed concern over the human rights situation in Thailand during an interview given after meeting Foreign Minister Don last Thursday.

Gen Prawit promised that, “for the sake of good diplomacy”, the Thai government will take good care of the US ambassador.

Mr Don called on the public to get over the US ambassador’s comments, “in the interests of Thai-US relations”.

Glyn T Davies was not assumed to be speaking on the behalf of the USA, instead his actions have been reported widely as simply being rude and ignorant.

Mr Davies read the statement to the Thai media, word by word, that had been issued in Washington by Katina Adams, the State Department’s spokeswoman for East Asia and the Pacific.

“The United States was troubled by the recent arrests of individuals in connection with online postings, and the detention of Patnaree Charnkij” (mother of Resistant Citizen dissident Sirawith “Ja New” Seritiwat) Mr Davies read from the statement.

“These actions create a climate of intimidation and self-censorship.”

Glyn T Davies should be removed from Thailand as soon as possible and Katina Adams, the State Department’s spokeswoman should be fired.

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