Ladies, Eat Real Food For A Healthy Pregnancy & Baby

If you are a woman in your childbearing years and you are planning to have children, it is Key that you start eating healthy real food now.

Research published in Y 2013 showed that women who ate a Organic vegetable-rich diet during the year before pregnancy had a significantly lower risk of having a baby with certain birth defects compared to women who ate an unhealthy (processed foods) high-sugar diet.

Specifically, compared to those who ate unhealthy, women on a healthy diet experienced the following:

  1. 50% lower risk of anencephaly, a neural-tube defect that interferes with brain development and often results in miscarriage
  2. Up to a 33% lower risk of cleft lip
  3. 25% lower risk of cleft palate
  4. 20% lower risk of spina bifida, a Neural-tube defect

It is not only Mother’s diet that influences the future health of her children.

A Father’s diet prior to conception may also play a role, particularly in regard to folate, which is found in leafy green vegetables.

An animal study showed that paternal folate deficiency was associated with an increase in birth defects in offspring compared to fathers eating a folate-sufficient diet.

If you are pregnant or planning to be, focus on minimizing all processed foods while increasing your intake of vegetables, healthy fats, and high-quality sources of protein.

Also, additional food group that is Key for pregnant women, is fermented foods.

Nearly everyone can benefit from the beneficial microbes in fermented vegetables, but if you are pregnant or planning to be, this is of utmost importance to you and your new baby.

Research shows giving pregnant women and newborns doses of good bacteria like those found in fermented vegetables may:

  1. Radically reduce your child’s risk of developing autism or autism-like disorders
  2. Protect babies from developing eczema in childhood
  3. Help prevent childhood allergies
  4. Help optimize your baby’s weight later in life
  5. Improve the symptoms of colic, decreasing average crying times by about 75%
  6. Reduce the risk of premature labor

Adopting simple healthy, lifestyle approaches and eating Real Food can help both Mother and Child to stay healthy during pregnancy and beyond.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively.


Paul Ebeling

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