Phase 1: The Data doesn’t Fit a Central Banker, Liberal Diplomat, or IMF Official’s Theory

Old joke describing when a person is married to their ideas

Phase 2: Cure the Frog’s Deafness

Via Our scientist immediately starts studying ways to help the frog hear better. Because clearly, if the frog was not deaf, it would jump. Otherwise the scientist has an outlier on his data. And his theory cant be wrong. It has been working for years.

Don’t dare broach things like dynamic equilibrium, or marginal utility, conditional probabilities, or that economic ideas are possibly cyclical to this genius. No way! We must power through. And if we fail, clearly the subject is in denial or ignorant. This is what we are up against in our leaders today.


Past Performance Guarantees Future Results in La La Land

Such is the logic of a certain type of Supranational most commonly found in the: IMF, Central Banking, Academia, and relativist thinking. They can afford to think this way. They have no skin in the game. They live in La La land.

But the funnest group to observe is 2nd generation liberals (Gen X age) who dogmatically believe. That’s not to say conservatives aren’t immune. People are the problem, not politics.

But the fun starts when one asks a 2nd generation liberal why they are a Democrat and watch them squirm. Especially in light of the boomer generation abandoning its progressive ideals for their 401ks and elitist rationalizations. The boomer children, especially the Clinton acolytes, are lost liberals. At least the Sanders people are consistent.

Orphaned Liberals

It is fascinating that when some 2nd generation liberals are asked why they are Democrats can’t talk about ideas, but rather cite the people whose ideas they adhere to. Once, when Obama was running in 2008 I volunteered to defend a liberal Dem friend in a debate he was losing. Before engaging his enemy in what could have been a Good-Will Hunting moment, I asked him why he was a Democrat. His answer was “Because my mother is.” I surrendered to the enemy. P.S.- His mother was now a multi-millionaire and a long way from being progressive. My progressive liberal friend was a political orphan drinking mommy’s stale kool-aid. Meanwhile mother had long since swapped out for Caymus Cabernet.

On Dogmatic Ritual

When the Tao is lost, there is goodness.
When goodness is lost, there is morality.
When morality is lost, there is ritual.
Ritual is the husk of true faith,
the beginning of chaos.

Tao Te Ching, 44

Hating Intolerant People

It is especially ironic that when one challenges a dogmatic (multicultural, globalist, self-proclaimed progressive, etc) liberal, they cling to their ideas like a redneck clings to his bible. They wear their ideas like armor. Nothing can penetrate that armor. Consequently nothing new can get in either. They are more interested in conserving their position than progressing in their thought process. Tolerance is the mantra screamed at the top of their lungs. However, tolerance of an intolerant person’s opinion is non-existent. Even if that person is doing no harm except voicing their (ignorant) opinion.

Liberalism is 100% Right in its Ideals- So What?

Let’s say for debate that the ideals of liberalism are 100% correct. Does that mean those ideals should be forced upon people not ready to understand them? Ever try to convert someone from their religion against their will? Ever give your car keys to a 5 year old and try to teach him to drive? Ever scream at a frog that just wouldn’t listen? So much of these peoples’ identity is wrapped up in their ideas it would be unbearable to accept they might be wrong. This “We know what’s best” mentality pervades the Fed, IMF, US Foreign Policy, and entertainment industry. There is no room for other people’s opinions. Most are adept at redirecting or obfuscating truth in service to their own denial. Thankfully, Rosie O’Donnell exists to give us a peek at the intolerance of the left.

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Zombie Rosie O’Donnell- Honest, But in Denial

Hers is not unlike the behavior of a cult member. The symptoms of people like Rosie O’Donnell are similar to victims of brainwashing. Worse in Rosie, because she has a stake as leader of the brainwashed. These types know better than you. And that may be true. But do not try to tell Rosie that a person is just not ready for the holy spirit of liberalism to descend upon them. If all else fails scream at them. Or if you are in a position to do so, bomb the crap out of them.

Carpetbagger Ken Rogoff – Academic Lackey

Such foresight on Ken’s part to publish his article 3 days before a major work was presented to the Fed. One that was an answer key for abolishing cash. Pic below from Jackson Hole Fed meeting on Aug 28th, By Marvin Goodfriend.


  1. charge more for ATM use than if you use their app for electronic wiring.- Goodfriend
  2. Actually let cash trade at a discount to e-cash (which is what ATM fees are doing anyway)- Goodfriend
  3. Remove that pesky “This note legal tender”  from our currency
  4. Discontinue the $100 bill- Rogoff
  5. Try it in India- You don’t think the Fed is taking notes?

Rogoff is interviewing for a job in the new administration. He represents to me the worst kind of Supranational. The carpetbagger who gets behind an idea for his own gain, and after others have done the real academic work. The man actually wormed his way on the front of the WGC to sell books. Rogoff pro Gold? Sure as long as its been cusiped and converted into e-Gold we bet.

pic title edited by author

Final Note- Did Rachel Maddow Actually Cry?

One of the keystones of liberalism is relativism. A concept that implies we cannot know what is absolute good or evil. Admittedly important in learning  to suspend judgment of others and fixing our own faults. I subscribe to that. Only Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Vishnu, the Tao and the Force can know absolute truth.  What I don’t subscribe to is perverting that concept as a tool to muddy the waters of truth. We can’t know the definition of IS in absolute terms, therefore Bill Clinton was not guilty. 

No, absolute truth exists. And just because we cannot know it does not mean we stop trying to. The world isn’t black and white as some conservatives would have you believe. But using the gray for rationalizing unethical behavior is worse. And that is what a lot of Supranationals do. 

On the other end we have Rachel Maddow who was so enamored with her candidate that she cried. Nothing relativistic there. This is a person who believes in her heart she has a monopoly on what is right for you. She has absolute knowledge apparently.

Good Luck


Twitter: Vince Lanci

 Vince contributes on commodities, market manipulation, and global markets

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