Marijuana Spot Price Check: 1lb Cannabis at $2081

Marijuana US economic impact to reach $44-B by Y 2020, Marijuana is here to stay.

For the week ended Friday, 13 May, the spot price index for a pound of Cannabis increased 2.5% from $2,030 in the prior week to $2,081. The simple average price for a gram of Marijuana  rose from $4.77 to $4.85.

The Jun futures price rose from $2,075 to $2,125. For the month of Jul, the forward price is Unchanged at $2,150 lb. The 6-month forward price for Nov remained Unchanged at $1,650.

About 66% of the past week’s transactions occurred in a range of $1,610 to $2,787, according to the analysts at Cannabis Benchmarks.

The analysts also commented on the forward price curve: “The market outlook for fall prices remains bearish. In California, illegal marijuana grows are still running and likely expanding as they try to fit in another year or two prior to statewide regulation. The result will be large volumes of cheap product in the fall, alongside those growers that have increased expenses trying to legitimize in accordance with new rules. Newcomers now building grows in municipalities willing to permit them may add more supply prior to end of year, but not many are expected to come online in the immediate future, relative to the total number of cultivators currently operational in the state. … In Colorado, testing of medical marijuana written in rule to start in July probably will not happen on schedule. The pesticide testing program being developed is not yet off the ground and the implementation schedule is slipping.”

Implied forward prices are expected to reach their peak in August at $2,250 before falling to $1,650 in November.
Marijuana US Economic Impact to Reach $44-B by Y 2020 indicates prices range from $25 a gram to a low of $1 in the all-cities index.

The all-cities index price is $11.18 per gram, up 10c compared with the prior week.

The overall average price for a gram of Marijuana (all strains) in Colorado is currently $11.48, ranging from a high of $20 a gram to a low of $5.

In California the price is $13.90 per gram, ranging from $25 down to $1 (stems) per gram.

In Michigan the average price is $14.40 per gram in a range of $25 to $10.

In Oregon the average is $10.68 per gram in a range of $25 to $2, and

In Washington the average is $10.45 per gram, ranging from a high of $20 to a low of $6.

Marijuana is here to stay

Stay tuned…

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