Given that Donald Trump is the 'devil incarnate' if one listens to any of the Clinton surrogates, Democrats are growing more and more concerned as Hillary's 'insurmountable' lead has collapsed to its lowest since the conventions. With her campaign reportedly warning media to 'tread carefully' on health concerns, The Hill reports anxious Democratic senators are urging Clinton to "be more open, show your soul, focus on the economy and talk about blue-collar jobs."

On Aug 11th we asked if TIME magazine's cover curse would play out



And sure enough, the unpossible is happening – Trump is rapidly crushing Hillary's lead…

Source: RealClearPolitics

And since The Democrats have thrown everything possible at Trump in the last few weeks, as The Hill reports, they are growing more anxious…

Democratic senators, anxious over Hillary Clinton’s inability to pull away from Donald Trump, have some advice for their nominee: Be more open, show your soul, focus on the economy and talk about blue-collar jobs.


These lawmakers, who served with Clinton in Congress and have known her for years, say her public persona is too guarded.

They struggle to reconcile the charismatic, warm and funny woman they know in private with Clinton’s public persona, which can come across as stern, aloof or annoyed.  

 Democratic senators say it’s natural for Clinton to put up her guard, because she has been the target of Republican attacks for decades. But they think she might benefit from relaxing a little more on the campaign trail.


“Her decades in this arena have taken their toll,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). “When you’re hit a lot there’s almost an unconscious shield that controls the answers to your questions. I think she’s got to get rid of that and just let herself be."


“Everybody that knows her loves her. They know her heart is full,” she added. “That’s what she ought to do, just take the shield away from the heart.”


Vice President Biden offered similar advice earlier in the week, calling on her to be “more open.”

Clinton has had the most difficulty connecting with white, working-class voters. A nationwide CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday showed Trump beating Clinton among white voters without college degrees, 66 percent to 23 percent.

Biden thinks she can put those doubts to rest by being less guarded. 

“Hillary knows it’s a problem, and she’s trying to figure out how to remedy it. And my advice to her, the best way to remedy it, is to talk about what you care about and talk about it with some passion,” he told CNN.


He advised her to “open up” and let voters “see your heart a little more.”

Some Senate Democrats think Biden’s right but caution that Clinton can’t pretend to be someone she’s not.

“It would be great if she showed her soul more, but she’s got to be comfortable and it has to be authentic,” said one senator, who requested anonymity to offer a frank assessment.

Clinton’s other big vulnerability is the economy. Polls consistently show that voters have more confidence in Trump, a billionaire real estate mogul, to jump-start growth.

Feinstein says Clinton should talk more about the loss of manufacturing jobs and what the federal government can do to rebuild the manufacturing base.


She said Clinton should talk about “keeping companies here” and “enabling tech to do manufacturing here instead of abroad.”


Feinstein said one policy solution would be to give companies with billions of dollars stashed overseas a tax break on repatriating their profits in exchange for pledges to invest in domestic factories.

So Feinstein thinks Clinton should use Trump's policies? But given she will simply be more of the same Obamnomics, there is no change coming…

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