Millions Of American Voters Preparing To Vote For Donald Trump
Americans are angry with everything that is happening in Washington.
Donald Trump’s polling numbers are continuing to rise “because the people of this country are understandably fed up” with Republican leaders who do not stand up for conservative principles, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Monday.
“They have turned to mush,” Mr. Limbaugh said on the air. “I refuse to believe that they have undergone ideological transplants and have all become liberals or moderates, because none of it makes any sense. So that has created a giant void, and who is filling it but Trump?”
“There’s no opposition to the gay marriage agenda, and we have to listen to a Supreme Court justice tell us that if we oppose it, we’re bigots or whatever,” he commented, and on immigration, there also is no opposition.
There is not even any more real opposition to Barack Obamacare, and there’s not even “fake opposition” to President Barack Hussein Obama.
“I refuse to believe as I say that these guys have become moderates or liberals overnight in our party,” Mr. Limbaugh said, “So there’s something else going on to explain this.”
And then comes Donald Trump, who “they can’t blackmail…and they cannot buy, because if they could, they would.”
Rush Limbaugh went on to read, word-for-word, a lengthy article written by Angelo Codevilla, professor emeritus of international relations at Boston University about Donald Trump and his attraction for Americans.
“Most Americans distrust, fear, are sick and tired of, the elected, appointed, and bureaucratic officials who rule over us, as well as their cronies in the corporate, media, and academic world,” Prof. Codevilla writes.
“Trump’s attraction lies less in his words’ grace or even precision than in the extent to which Americans are searching for someone, anyone, to lead against this ruling class, that is making America less prosperous, less free, and more dangerous.”
“The ruling class knows they are in the minority, sitting atop an explosion waiting to happen,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “The apparent ruling class does not know what to do with Trump. They are waiting for him to implode.”
He also praised Mr. Trump for his attacks on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, saying that “he is doing something no other Republicans is doing. He’s getting on her case; Trump is hitting her on it.”
Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s rise focused his thinking on how Republican leaders have changed, and he thinks that “obviously the Republicans have been gotten to.”
“Do you really think John Boehner and Mitch McConnell have become liberals?” Mr. Limbaugh asked. “Not to this extent, no.”
“There are 24 million people ready to sit and vote against every Democrat, if they are given reason to believe their vote is going to matter,” said Mr. Limbaugh. “If you look at this within a prism of issues, it makes no sense. But if you look at it in other ways…follow the money, blackmail…but it doesn’t make any common sense.”
He continued that he believes that there is a “unified powerful group” of people in Washington that is made up of both parties, but that it will not be able to get to Donald Trump.
Donald Trump does not need their money, he knows when he’s in a room, he is the most powerful person in it. He is the Real Deal!
Trumpeting for Trump.
Paul Ebeling
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