More Americans Are Sick Than Well, Why?

Statistically every American is far more likely to suffer some level of sick than healthy. Almost 70% of Americans take at least 1 Rx (prescription) drug for chronic or other medical condition, with antibiotics, antidepressants, and opioids topping the list.

Sick Americans is the now the norm, including these statistics, as follows:

  1. Obesity rates are on the rise, and 1 in 5 deaths is linked to obesity. In the US, more than 86-M adults age 20 and over have pre-diabetes. Of that number, almost 30-M already have type 2 diabetes, this is a statistic researchers predicted in Y 2001 would not be reached until Y 2050. Diabetes has increased over 300% in just 15 yrs, and all told, about 33% of the 320-M people living in America today have either pre-diabetes or some form of diabetes.
  2. One in 8 Americans aged 65 and over have Alzheimer’s, and that number is expected to rise to 1 in 4 within the next 20 years. Now more than 500,000 Americans die from Alzheimer’s disease each year, making it the 3rd leading cause of death in the US, just behind heart disease and cancer.
  3. Cancer rates are projected to rise 57% in the next 20 years, with 13-M people dying from cancer each year.
  4. Over 50% of the US population has at least 1 clinically diagnosable allergy. Allergies and diseases of the immune system have possibly 4X in the last few decades.

The Big Q: What is really making American people sick?

The Big A: Once familiar with the ins and outs of American’s nutrition, you begin to realize that just about every health problem we can think of can be traced back to diet.

A Key reasons why so many diseases are spiking in Americans is because of foods we eat. Most Americans eat a predominantly processed food diet, which virtually guarantees you’ll suffer health problems at some point.

So, 1 of the simplest health directives you could ever come by is to just Eat Real Food, read: whole, unadulterated/unprocessed, and ideally Organic, as this automatically eliminates a number of health-harming ingredients from the diet.

America’s Public Enemy #1 is sugar, all kinds of sugar, but in particular refined sugar and processed fructose such as high fructose corn syrup, followed by refined grains, as these ingredients cause your insulin level to spike.

Insulin allows your cells to use sugar, but if  you eat too much sugar your cells eventually become resistant to the insulin. Insulin resistance leads to diabetes and a long list of related health problems, disease, and early death. And when insulin resistant, the body store rather than burns fat.

As a result, it becomes exceedingly difficult for the body to use stored body fat for energy, and weight gain is typically associated with insulin resistance. This is why sugars and grain carbohydrates need to be avoided, as they not only can make you fat, they can make you stay fat.

If your fasting insulin level is over 3 or 4, you are insulin resistant.

Other signs and symptoms indicating you fall squarely into this category include:

  1. Carrying excess weight High blood pressure
  2. Fasting blood sugar greater than 100 (You may be diagnosed with pre-diabetes if your glucose is between 100 and 125. Having pre-diabetes is a risk factor that you may get type 2 diabetes in the future.
  3. Less-than-ideal cholesterol ratios
  4. Type 2 diabetes Heart disease or cancer

The good news is Americans can turn insulin resistance around fairly quickly and easily, by following these simple steps, as follows:

  1. Eliminate added sugars and sweeteners from your diet. Keep in mind that most processed foods, meaning anything that comes in a jar, can, bottle, bag, or box contain added sugars, typically in the form of high fructose corn syrup.
  2. Fruit juices are also loaded with sugar, replace them with whole fruit instead. And do not make the mistake of switching to artificially sweetened “diet” foods and beverages. Research has clearly shown that artificial sweeteners* promote insulin resistance and related health problems just like regular sugar does, despite their lack of calories. *The artificial sweeteners saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame decrease function in pathways associated with the transport of sugar in your body, and can induce both gut dysbiosis and glucose intolerance. Research shows that artificial sweeteners promote diabetes and weight gain is by disrupting your gut microbiome. Sucralose (Splenda) was found to reduce beneficial gut bacteria by as much as 50%.
  3. Eliminate grains, especially wheat, barley, oats, and rye, as these not only raise your insulin and contribute to insulin resistance, they also contain gluten, which triggers inflammation and can damage your intestines.
  4. Better alternatives include almond meal, buckwheat groats, coconut flour, and sweet potatoes, as they do not have the same impact on your blood sugar as grains, but if you’re truly insulin resistant, or already diabetic, even these alternatives will hamper your body’s ability to heal. Once the clinical signs of insulin resistance have resolved, you can relax your carb restriction
  5. Replace eliminated carbs with healthy fats like avocado, butter made from raw grass-fed Organic milk, cheese, raw dairy, Organic pastured egg yolks, raw nuts, grass-fed meats, and coconut oil.

Effortless Healing Is Possible


There are simple principles to help optimize weight and health by making small, gradual shifts in what you eat and how you live your life.

Health is actually not as complicated to obtain and maintain as you may think. It is all about coming to the basics: Eat Real Food.

One thing is sure, the human body is very efficient when it comes to healing and regenerating itself, provided it is fed and cared for it properly.

Besides food, which can be viewed as medicine, you also need physical activity, both non-exercise movement and more regimented, higher-intensity exercise.

Other healthy lifestyle components include getting sensible Sun exposure, and grounding to the Earth. These are lifestyle habits with potent health-promoting potential that cost nothing is is foolish to ignore them.  The same can surely not be said for Rx (prescription) drugs and conventional medical treatments.

Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively.


Paul Ebeling

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