Multi Fiat Bitcoin charts GBP, USD, JPY & EURO [BTFD]


For the week starting 6th             August 2018

Quick overlook of the main crypto fiat pairs (minus KRW             )

All charts seem to be showing a clear market bottom with the CM             Williams Vix             Fix giving the green lights, showing market bottoms/reversals

price action on both USD and JPY pair have caused the COP indy to go move into bearish sentiment where its still has not moved down on the other two…

the MA cross is looking to form either a golden or death cross, giving us more idea of sentiment for the coming days/weeks

its pretty make and break for bitcoin             again this week, some lows of USS$5600 are possible with very strong support, on the upside if we can stay above 6600 support we can start looking towards previous weeks highs of 8200-8500 (USD) – the levels should be easy to convert if your using a different fiat pair

have a powerful week and any questions please leave in comments below or join our free telegram group and ask in there….

By admin